maandag 18 mei 2009

Sailing & preparation for "the steven rooks classic"

This weekend I had a good weekend sailing. There was good breeze wind and the location, greveling, was very good. Although I can feel now all those muscles I wasn't conscious about before starting moth sailing. My new bladerider performed well and didn't budge under the abuse I gave it.
It was a good plan to meet up with Giovanni and to do some sparring. Although the sparring worked out differently as planned. As Gio got his new Mach 2 the day before. When we met on saturday I could help him rig the boat, as some things are very similar to the bladerider. In the afternoon we could go sailing. Only Gio had to go back after 20 minutes to fix a few things. Sunday was more or less the same. Although Gio could stay out a bit longer than saturday before before he had to return. A new boat is always nice unfortunately it takes some time to get it right. For some boats it takes a bit more than some time....
The picture shows the Mach2 and the bladerider next to each other.

Two and half months ago I entered in a kind of bet to do a cycling tour. The "Steven Rooks" classic I didn't had a boat at the time and seemed like fun to do with a friend. The only other thing I was missing was a Bike. So I bought a second hand bike and had to do some training... Coming thursday is the start of the "classic tour. It is 160 KM through The Netherlands and Belgium in which there are 7 climbs. The latter are the most worrying for me. As I noticed during some training that cycling in the flat is OK, going down is exiting and good for the adreline levels, however climbing is painfull. I will probably know by thursday late afternoon how painfull.

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