zondag 1 augustus 2010

Bladerider vertical main foil needed

It has been quiet for sometime on the sailing front. Spend time with the family in france and the few days i could sail there was no wind.
Only until recently i could start some preparations for the Europeans. Although most sessions had to aborted early due to relatively minor breakages. Until yesteday.... As i had major breakage.

It was excellent sailing weather and the wind was increasing from 15 knots to a nice 20 knots. I was happily trucking along full speed downwind. The boat felt good due to the recent modifictions we made to rudder. As this made the bladerider more stable at speed. Suddenly i heard a big bang. Next thing I knew I was in the water. While swimming back i saw the main foil attached in a unnatural way to the boat... The main foil was cleanly broken direct at the hull. Managed to take the foil out and had a long sail back to the harbour.

As I still would like to compete at the Europeans in two weeks time, i'm looking for a replacement vertical. My experiences with getting spare parts from proust sailing are not good to say the least. I ordered and paid two maststump caps in october last year and never received them despite many promises on the phone that they were going to send it.

If anyone knows how i could get hold of a vertical main foil on the short term, i would be most obliged!

Best regards, Eelco

Ps if someone has spare maststump caps for sale I'm also interested


6 opmerkingen:

  1. Nooo! Hope you find a new vertical, Dutch team needs you!

  2. You could probably repair what you have using carbon pultrusion.


  3. Hi Eelco,
    drop me a line. Maybe I can help you out.

  4. Hi Bruce, Phil and Manfred, Thanks for your comments and willingness to help out !!! I will looking into repairing it, however this is not the preferred solution and will check with John, Manfred can help out with lending me an assassin Foil which is great ! However still would prefer an bladerider one as I'm used to that so THE search is not finished yet :-)
    Thanks again !!

  5. Hi!

    I m building something like the MOTH and i need 3 of this foilers, can anyone help me???

